About Us

LeafSOL International Inc.

LeafSOL holds a diversified portfolio that ranges from mining to real estate across the world.

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Agriculture for Pharmaceutical Purposes

The company has specific aim of cultivating, extracting and distributing (exporting) medical herbs in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), EU-GACP (Good Agriculture and Collection Practices) and all international compliance regulations.  We believe we are strategically timed to coincide with the global recognition of medicinal herbs as a natural alternative to conventional pharmaceutical drugs.


American Hospital - Morocco

Co- Founder


Real Estate

North America, Europe and Africa

LeafSOL owns its own in-house construction company located in Vancouver, Canada

Projects to date include hospitals, hotels, private residences and commercial units

Lithium - Europe & South America

Molybdenum - Europe

Copper - Europe

Gold - Europe & Africa

Natural Resources - Mining

